Friday, March 22, 2013


Well I really don't know how to describe the poem and I don't think I have speaks for itself :) I hope you like it ^^


Is a sunny day
An endless blue sky with no clouds
A sea so clean you can see everything
A beautifully written song
Birds chirping
An old couple with their hands intertwined
Love, no matter what kind
Children happily playing
Swinging on the hanging tires
Rain when the sun is out
A colorful rainbow
The clean night sky
The billions of glowing stars
The milky twilight
The moon and the moonlit floor
A drawing so amazing it takes your breath away
A story so wonderful you laugh, cry and live
It can also be a rainy day
A cloudy day
A snowy day
A day with clouds as white as snow
A group of fireflies dancing around you
A kiss in the tree house
But mostly a day spent with an important person
Everything can be an inspiration
As long as you’re open and ready for it
Inspiration is everlasting and never dying

Monday, March 18, 2013

Devil in Love poem :D I think it turned out kind of dark...sad...pathetic :/ but that is love...I guess xD I tried to end it in a happier way so I hope you'll like it ^^ Please enjoy~~ If you have an opinion leave a comment ;)

Devil in Love

Made life brighter
For a moment it was Heaven
But soon I realized it was Hell
It changed me
In more ways than I’ll ever know and understand
Every moment without you
It kills me
Every moment with you
 Brings me to life
Only to suffer more
Every thought of you
Destroys me
You do this to me
More times than I can count
You are the devil
Of that I have no doubt
Instead of abandoning me
I’d rather you take me to hell with you
To suffer for an eternity by your side
Is the sweetest pain I could ever receive
While suffering alone
Without you
Will hurt more than torture
So, I beg of you to be with me
But I know…
I know the devil won’t take me away
Because he never truly loved me
But we both know
That with time I will find someone who loves me
The way I loved you
And when that happens
I won’t let him go
Never again
Will I be abandoned by a devil
Or become one myself

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unchanging Days

New poem... I'm still on hiatus xD I won't be coming here regularly, but once in a while I'll try to post something! Well I was at work (bored) and wrote this lool Hope you like it ^^ Someone said they liked my blog so that also gave strength to write :D Thanks :)

Unchanging Days

The days go by
Unchanging as always
The sun rises and the sun sets
Over and over again
Without anything happening
I am not living
Just surviving
I am the only one to blame
I should change
Why don’t I?
Is it fear?
Fear of the unknown
Fear of change
Maybe, I don’t know
But still
I want to LIVE
No matter what
Even if this rotten world
Breaks me apart
I want to live the best I can
So I have to change
Or else I’ll never know the true meaning of living
To everyone out there
Don’t give up
Keep on fighting
The road to a better future
Is right around the corner
So keep walking and don’t stop
Until the very last day!