Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love me not

Chill out people, this is obviously not about me xD I read a manga that's like this, and it gave me inspiration, which I have been lacking lately :P

Love me not

I love you
You love me not
You love her
She loves you not
He loves me
I love him not
We go round and round
Like headless chickens
Making the same mistakes
Over and over again
I confess and say you should do the same
You confess but she’ll still get married to someone else
I reject him every time he says it
I love you and no one else
You love her and only her
We can’t move forward
Will you still love her tomorrow?
Can’t you see me, standing here?
Waiting for you
Supporting you
Maybe, one day you’ll finally understand
That we are meant to be together
That you love me too
Until then I’ll be beside you
Loving you, waiting for you

Monday, May 6, 2013


Well do you know the song Torture sung by Shakira and Alejandro Sanz? This poem is based on that song...yes it's in spanish (the song, not the poem), so what? Of course it has my own twist...but it's based on the song and the videoclip ^^ Hope you like it :3


You stare at me and smile
You torture me
All the while torturing me in the distance
You taunt me
With someone else in your arms
You mock me
It hurts so much
You love me
I can’t believe in you anymore
You hurt me
I’m tired of your excuses
I will not cry for you
Be happy because I’ll be happier

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Wind

I started with something in my mind and by the end it turned into something else entirely O.o but I hope you like it no matter how weird it is xD

The Wind

The wind blows back and forth
So slowly
So gently
Sometimes strong like the end of the world is coming
Sometimes weak like a soft touch on our cheeks
You can’t see it
But you can feel it
It will never leave you
It will never die
It is a definite truth
Nothing is more certain than the wind
Only death

Thursday, May 2, 2013


For all of those lonely people out there...this is for you, this is for us :)


Loneliness is like a wave crashing down on us
Breaking us apart limb by limb
You can be surrounded by a sea of people
And still feel so lonely you feel you’re dying
You just have to wait and hope
Someone will come by walking
On this endless water
And along the way they’ll pick up the pieces
Until you become whole again
Or you can venture yourself
Throw yourself into the world
Instead of being the one who waits
Be the one who walks
On the way you’ll meet incredible people
Your whole life will change and you will be happier
It is true that loneliness never ceases to exist
Once in a while it will creep back in
But if you have true relationships in your life
It will be much easier to live