Thursday, February 7, 2013

No more story / Tough questions

I'm sorry but since I'm still figuring out my characters and how the story will go I won't post more of the story...for now at least ^^ I may write other ideas for new stories I have saved up...but I don't have anything solid lool I guess tomorrow or something like that I'll write something I'll just leave you with some food for thought...I would like you guys to answer my questions but I know you won' at least think about it ^^

Do you think suicide is done by cowards or brave people?
Is it right or wrong?
If the situation gets bad enough would you do it?

In my opinion those who do such a thing are cowards running away from the hardships of life, of course taking your own life is a hard thing to do but they are nothing more than cowards. One who is dead has nothing hard while one who is living will have to go through hardships every single day but that is the definition of life in my eyes.
I do think it's wrong, especially towards your family and friends but to each their own, we can't control what other people do.
And I don't think I could ever do something like matter how bad things get, but I can't see the future :/

So what do you think?

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