Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It seems I haven't written here in while...even though I posted the story here to push me into writing it...I've been quite lazy so...in the end it didn't help at all xD Sorry...really I'm ashamed >.< So right now I wrote a little something to add to the background of their stories :D In the last post it was Kat's story and in this one is Alec's turn to be on the spotlights ^^

My dad, he…well, he left me when I was a baby, and I don’t blame him because I understand why he did it. I know he hated me, I mean, I know he hates me because I’m a murderer…I killed my own mom but kept on living, which he couldn’t forgive and so he left me with his sister, my aunt Kelly. She was a sweet woman who took care of me very well but sadly Kelly wasn’t very strong (mentally and physically) which ended up with her marrying a useless sh*t of a man named Rick. My mom was black, which showed in the color of my skin, something that made me happy and proud but that man said I was an abomination that shouldn’t exist and he used to beat me senseless until I puked blood. The truth is Kelly wanted to protect me but I didn’t let her because I was a strong kid, I’ve been in fights since I was 5 so, by then I knew how to protect myself, and she was a weak and fragile woman. One day when I got home my world ended…she was dead. For twelve years she took care of me and I couldn’t do anything for her, do not misunderstand she was always sick, Rick had nothing to do with it, after all he did love her with all his heart even though he had trouble showing it. Although in the end he did the only thing he could to show it, he became my guardian even though he still hated me, just so I wouldn’t be forced to live in an orphanage. Well he became my guardian on paper only, he was never home and I had to work for what I needed so I never got time for “friends” so eventually I stopped loving, but Beth showed me the way, it was because of her that I met Kat, the love of my life and it was because of her that I lost her.

Ps: If you're wondering Eli, Liza and Beth are nicknames for the same person (Elizabeth)...anyway I hope you like it :3

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